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Revision 3 january 2025
Software WRSimulator
Version 1.5 on WinRelay Studio 2.5.1 (2.5d)

Simulator objectives

The aim of the simulator is to enable users to simulate electrical, electrotechnical and pneumatic circuits for educational purposes and for pre-project presentation.

In particular, the simulator can be used to simulate automated production system-type installations using a virtual or physical PLC connected via MODBUS/TCP-IP, coupled with an animated operating section.

The simulator incorporates a mixed analog/digital simulation model, enabling simultaneous simulation of: - standard electrical/electrotechnical circuits, - pneumatic circuits, - complex objects (speed controllers, safety relays, etc.) - programmable logic controllers, - simple operating parts.

First steps

Open an example

  • Open an example from WinRelais File>Open wr-schematic/Simulator_Demos/.
  • A quick access to the Simulator_Demos folder is built into the installation. This allows you to launch WinRelais directly with the selected example.

Launch simulator

Click on the icon:

Simulator controls

  • Simulator checks give three levels of warning:

Warning list