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Speed controller


WRsimulator can be used to insert variable speed drives into folios. The library currently includes SchneiderElectric ATV31 single-phase and three-phase drive objects.

Example us18 - demo_Speed_Drive_ATV31_1ph_2C.xrs illustrates the use of an ATV31 drive to control the speed of a moving table. - the drive is attached to a text zone edited in WinRelais, which specifies its parameters, - The first line of the text zone must begin with the command : - parent = drive name, - This text zone can be placed anywhere in the diagram, - If the text field does not exist, the drive is set to default parameters.

ATV31 settings


Default settings Description
In = 10 Inverter calibration
bFr = 50 Standard motor frequency [50,60]
ItH = 10.0 Motor thermal protection [0.2 to 1.5 In]
CLI = 15.0 Current limitation [0.25 to 1.5 In]
ACC = 3.0 Acceleration ramp time [0.1 to 3276 s]
dEC = 3.0 Deceleration ramp time [0.1 to 3276 s]
LSP = 0 Low speed [0 Hz to HSP]
HSP = 50 High speed [LSP to bFR]
PS2 = n0 2 preset speeds [n0,LI3,LI4,LI5,LI6]
PS4 = n0 4 preselected speeds [n0,LI3,LI4,LI5,LI6]
PS8 = n0 8 preselected speeds [n0,LI3,LI4,LI5,LI6]
SP2 = 10 Preset speed 2 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP3 = 15 Preset speed 3 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP4 = 20 Preset speed 4 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP5 = 25 Preset speed 5 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP6 = 30 Preset speed 6 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP7 = 35 Preset speed 7 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP8 = 40 Preset speed 8 [0 Hz to HSP]
tCC = 2C Control 2wire / 3wire [2C, 3C]
tCt = trn Control type 2wire [LEL, trn, PFO]
r1 = FLt Relay r1 [n0,FLt,rUn,FtA,FLA,CtA,SrA,tSA,APL,LI1,LI2,LI3,LI4,LI5,LI6]
r2 = n0 Relay r2 [n0,FLt,rUn,FtA,FLA,CtA,SrA,tSA,bLC,APL,LI1,LI2,LI3,LI4,LI5,LI6]
FSt = n0 Fast stop on logic 0 [n0, LI1, LI2, LI3, LI4, LI5, LI6]
LAF = n0 Forward limit switch [n0, LI1, LI2, LI3, LI4, LI5, LI6]
LAr = n0 Stroke end forward [n0, LI1, LI2, LI3, LI4, LI5,LI6]
LAS = nSt Stop type at end of stroke [rMP, FSt, nSt]
FR1 = AII Setpoint 1 configuration [AII, AI2, AI3]

ATV11 settings


default settings Description
In = 10 Inverter calibration
bFr = 50 Standard motor frequency [50,60]
ItH = 10.0 Motor thermal protection [0.2 to 1.5 In]
CLI = 15.0 Current limitation [0.25 to 1.5 In]
ACC = 3.0 Acceleration ramp time [0.1 to 3276 s]
dEC = 3.0 Deceleration ramp time [0.1 to 3276 s]
LSP = 0 Low speed [0 Hz to HSP]
HSP = 50 High speed [LSP to bFR]
SP2 = 10 Preset speed 2 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP3 = 25 Preset speed 3 [0 Hz to HSP]
SP4 = 50 Preset speed 4 [0 Hz to HSP]
Alt = 5U Analog input configuration [5U, 10U, 0A, 4A]
ACt = 2C 2-wire / 3-wire control [2C, 3C]
tCt = trn 2-wire control type [LEL, trn, PFO]
rrS = n0 Rear direction [n0,LII,LI2,LI3,LI4]
LIA = n0 LIA input assignment [n0,LII,LI2,LI3,LI4]
LIb = n0 Input assignment LIb [n0,LII,LI2,LI3,LI4]
dO = n0 [n0, 0Cr, rFr, FtA, SrA CtA]
Ftd = 50 Threshold frequency (0 to 200 Hz)
Ctd = 10 Current threshold [0 to 1.5 In]