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The simulator allows you to create small operative parts that can be controlled with the actuators of the schematic. It integrates a 2D physics engine to bring a certain realism to the simulation. Example:

This example shows two cylindrical drums on an inclined ramp, seen from the side. When the cylinder rod extends, the two drums are raised to the top of the ramp. When the cylinder rod retracts, the two drums roll (or slide, depending on the coefficient of friction applied) down the ramp, finally being locked in position by the cylinder nose. Two types of objects are used by the physical motor: - physical objects, which are subject to external forces and gravity. In particular, they have a mass in kilograms - kinematic objects, whose positions in the scene are controlled directly by the program. They are insensitive to external forces and therefore not subject to the laws of physics. Physical objects can collide with kinematic objects.

Physical object settings

|shape|library|Physics| | ---------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |dynamic =| True -> object is of type 'physical', False -> object is of type 'kinematic'| |masse =| mass in kg of the physical object [1 to 100 kg]| |friction =| coefficient of friction [0 to 100] applied to the physical object| |pas_de_rotation =| applies a considerable mass and inertia value to the physical object| |id_collision =| * (default value)| |texture_name =|image name ( png format only)| - if dynamics = False, parameters mass and friction are ignored.

Kinematic object settings

|kinematic|library|_Synoptic| | ---------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |parent =|designates a parent that can only be a sliding link| |id_collision =| * (default value)| |texture_name =|name of the image that can be applied to the object ( png format only)| |show =|True (False or True) show/hide object| - A kinematic object can be attached to a sliding link. - The show parameter allows the use of invisible 'walls'.

Detector and limit switch

Detects physical and kinematic objects that enter the sensor/end-of-travel detection zone - A sensor is a specialized kinematic object available in the _Synoptique library. |sensor|library|_Synoptic| |-----------|--------------------------------------| |parent =| designates a parent that can only be a sliding link| |id_collision =| * (default value, detects all objects present in the detection zone)| |texture_name =|name of the image that can be applied to the object ( png format only)| | =|fixes the position of the indicator light (green square)| =|fixes the position of the indicator light (green square)

  • A detector with id_collision = * detects all objects entering its detection zone.
  • id_collision** is used to filter objects detected by a detector or limit switch component. For example :

|Collision Object Filtering| | ----------------------------------------------| |sensor A detects only object P2| |sensor * detects objects P1, P2 and P3| |sensor B detects only object P3| - A sensor's detection zone is defined by a magenta (255,0,255) color contour. (255,0,255) . For example :

  • If a texture name is defined, the application searches for the texture (in png format only) in the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\Elec-CAO\wrs-data\textures
  • If the texture name is not defined, or if the texture file is not found, a texture calculated by the program will be applied to the object using the outer edge coloured red. For example:

The texture silhouette automatically defines the object's collision shape. - The physics engine uses the transparent part of the texture to delimit the collision shape in the form of a convex polygon, as shown below:

  • Drawing constraint in WinSymbol.

Slider links are available in the _Synoptique library and are prefixed with the slider keyword:

  • Description of slider parameters:

|slider |library|_Synoptic| | ---------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |controle_direction =| designates the motor object used to control the mobile in direction| |speed_control =| designates the motor object used to control the mobile in speed| |speed =|speed in % of motor speed (transcribed as linear speed). [0 à100%]| |friction =|fixes the friction of the motor surface [0 to 100]| |id_collision =| * (default value, detects any object that collides)| |parent =| designates a parent which can only be another sliding link| |texture_name =| name of the texture that can be applied to the mobile.

  • Elements of a sliding connection that can be edited in WinSymbol :
  • These elements are differentiated in WinSymbol by specific colors: - (255,128,255) identifies the guideline and limits of movement (square and circle symbols), - (255,0,0) identifies the outer contour of the mobile. This contour must be a single convex polygon, - (255,0,255) identifies the optional collision shape, which must be a single convex polygon. If this polygon is not defined, the physics engine calculates the collision shape from the red outer contour.

  • Examples

Cylinder actuator

A cylinder is a specialized sliding link.

VerinSE, VerinDE library _Verins
pressure = nominal pressure [0 to 10 bar]
speed = speed coefficient of rod movement [0 to 100%]
id_collision = * (default value, detects any object colliding with it)
texture_name = name of texture that can be applied to the rod

Floating cylinder actuator

Identical to the cylinder component, except that it can be attached to a sliding link.

  • It is systematically associated with :
    • a Label_Pression object for single-acting cylinders,
    • two Label_Pression objects for double-acting cylinders.
  • The names of Label_Pression objects are used in the float_inputs (or float_input) parameter to connect cylinder ports.
VerinDE_flottant library _Verins
float_inputs = (Label_Pression orifice 1, Label_Pression orifice 2)
parent = designates a parent which may be just another slide link
pressure = nominal pressure [0 to 10 bar]
speed = speed coefficient of rod movement [0 to 100%]
id_collision = * (default value, detects any object colliding with it)
texture_name = name of the texture that can be applied to the rod
VerinSE_flottant library _Verins
float_input = Label_Pression orifice 1
parent = designates a parent which may be just another slide link.
pressure = nominal pressure [0 to 10 bar]
speed = speed coefficient of rod displacement

All kinematic objects can be attached to a sliding link. This is extremely useful for creating non-convex collision shapes, for example :

The rod nose is a kinematic object attached to the cylinder rod through the parent parameter :

Several kinematic objects can be attached:

Top view conveyor

Top-view conveyors are available in the _Synoptique library and are prefixed with the conveyor keyword:

conveyor library \_Synoptic
controle_direction = motor object used to control conveyor diection
control_speed = motor object used to control speed
speed = conveyor speed as % of motor speed (transcribed as linear speed). [0 à 100%]
friction = fixes conveyor friction [0 to 100]
id_collision = * (default value)
parent = designates a parent that can only be a sliding link
texture_name = name of the texture that can be applied to the conveyor

Side view conveyor

Side-view conveyors are available in the _Synoptique library and are prefixed with the side_conveyor keyword:

side_conveyor library \_Synoptic
control_direction = motor object used to control conveyor diection
speed_control = motor object used to control speed
speed = conveyor speed as % of motor speed (transcribed as linear speed). [0 à 100%]
friction = fixes conveyor friction [0 to 100]
id_collision = * (default value)
parent = designates a parent that can only be a sliding link
texture_name = name of the texture that can be applied to the conveyor

Object dispenser

See 38 - demo_Convoyeurs.xrs

Specialized synoptic object used to distribute a physical object in the scene at regular intervals. - At least one copy of the object to be distributed must be placed in the scene. - The number of objects distributed is limited to 16.

dispenser library \_Synoptic
id_collision = * (default value)
parent = designates a parent that can only be a sliding link
texture_name = name of the texture that can be applied to the dispenser
dropped_object = name of distributed physical object
* sets the dispense point
delay = dispensing interval in seconds [0.1 s to 30 s]
show = True (False or True) show/hide object
  • if dispenser is associated with a potentiometer button, the dispensing interval is adjustable between 0.1 s and delay.

Synoptic assemblies

Complete synoptics can be saved and retrieved using WinRelais' block commands.

synoptic example imported tri_de_caisses: